Seed Yoga Therapy serves people healing from trauma, depression, anxiety, grief, chronic pain and the struggle to love the body one lives in.

Yoga Therapy can help!

Yoga Therapy offers tools you can use immediately to support processing trauma, settling and grounding the nervous system and moving the body/mind/heart toward greater clarity and empowerment while breaking free from patterns of pain and despair. For established Yoga Therapy clients Ketamine-Assisted Therapy can be a catalyst for deep transformation of entrenched cycles of suffering, increasing neuroplasticity and shifting patterns of despair and hopelessness to possibility, openness and freedom.


We have many resources to support you.

For Community

We have resources for organizations looking to build team resilience and mental health therapists and yoga teachers looking for consultation around mental health and/or yoga.

About Seed Yoga Therapy

Seed Yoga Therapy’s mission:
To provide a transformative space where people and communities can move toward healing personal, intrapersonal, interpersonal, historical, and systemic wounding through connection and resilience.

Envisioning a world where all beings are free and whole

Transformation, integration, courage and grace